A new chapter

Many people have talked about turning a new leaf, starting a new chapter, a rebrand if you will. Often I find myself conflicted with this process at its core, it’s painful to change and scary to think about.

The latest version of myself is much different than any versions prior. Mental health is much more important than it was before; with pressure comes anxiety but to manage that anxiety you must express yourself constructively. Another change with this latest version of me is the lack of fucks for lack of better words. Prior me was very enthused with control and the ability to exert that control into many situations, giving me what I now know was “false sense of security”. Learning to let go is an art and embracing entropy can be dangerous but like with anything else, responsibility and discretion are needed. Chaos is needed in most systems to harden the processes you think are there to defend from randomness or entropy. Think about Netfllix’s Chaos Monkey. Without chaos, you have this “false sense of security” which only hurts you! The idea is to accept any and all possibilities and plan accordingly; although no one human can predict the outcome of any one situation, adapting to changing or new situations is something all humans have the ability to do. It is encoded in our DNA to adapt to change and find a new normal! So slowly start to embrace change and accept Chaos, acknowledge you don’t have all the solutions to problems you are presented and understand that’s ok, the real opportunity and wisdom lies in finding a way to the solution needed for any given problem.

So why is this difficult for some people to do? Self Esteem? Anxiety? Depression? The difficulty for me at least was all of those things plus the activity of DOING it. To break the comfort of not DOING you must take a leap of faith, it is easier to say than it is to do, I’m speaking from experience here! But you think in the MUST DO mind frame. This blog is me DOING it! DC313 is me DOING it! How They Got Hacked is me DOING it! I’m looking to do even more with the support of the info security and hacker community, but even with all the help in the world its gotta start with YOU DOING it.

All of this to say this is a new chapter of life for me; if you are reading this you are apart of this latest chapter and I thank you for being apart of the story. Now let us have some fun and discover/break/DO some shit! :)